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Successful Second Chances
Ensure individuals who were formerly incarcerated, or current grey-market operators, are given a second chance in society and have an equal opportunity to contribute to cannabis commerce as it transitions from an illicit to legal market.
Federal De-Scheduling
Removal of cannabis from the Schedules of the Controlled Substances Act to bring an end to cannabis criminalization and allow innovation, industry, and research to thrive.
Promote Entrepreneurship in Free & Open Markets
Seek federal and regulatory frameworks for cannabis which promote public safety while ensuring low barriers to entry and non-restrictive occupational and business licensing.
Competitive & Reasonable Tax Rates
The tax burden should not incentivize gray or black markets by making them more easily accessible or profitable than legal businesses.
Our Mission
"Our vision is to bring together advocates for second chances, for stronger communities, and for better business to enact durable policies that solve the problems that criminalized cannabis have created within American society."
The Cannabis Freedom Alliance (CFA) seeks to end the prohibition and criminalization of cannabis in the United States in a manner consistent with helping all Americans achieve their full potential and limiting the number of barriers that inhibit innovation and entrepreneurship in a free and open market.
About CFA

“We cannot create a market where a handful of strong companies run the industry and small entrepreneurs face unreasonable barriers to access.”
– CFA, on promoting entrepreneurship in free and open markets
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